Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010

Ledger Tribute: New Scholarship

An organization of Australian working in Hollywood has announced a scholarship honoring compatriot, actor Heath Ledger, who died in New year from an accidental prescription drug overdose. The Australian in Film organization says the first Heath Ledger Scholarship for upcoming young actors is to be awarded in 2009.

Director Gregor Jordan, who has been a driving force behind the fund, says ledger’s spirit inspired the initiative. Jordan recalled how Ledger, after receiving his first significant U.S pay cheque, went “into a bar (to) buy everyone a round for drinks. It is the generosity that somehow sums Heath up.

When he had nothing, he still found away to give to others. “Ledger’s father, Kim, is pleased. He said:”We know that Heath would be proud of his attachment to this scholarship that does what Heath has done personally during the last 10 years (supporting) Australian actors, singers, directors or writers who seek to supply their talents to the USA”.

16 komentar:

  1. kupikir posting serius, ternyata posting tentang beasiswa heath ledger

  2. salam sobat
    berkunjung kesini tambah info
    saya jadi tahu ledger tribute new scholarship.
    selamat menyambut bulan suci ramadhan
    trims kunjungannya ke S.A

  3. What's up !!! Hi my all friends, here we must speak in english.... haha, just kidding ☺

    btw, @Haeruna = pliss deh.......i'm not mba'

  4. wah, lama gak berkunjung kemari {udah beda semua tampilannya}...makin maknyus aja ni blog :D

  5. duiit.. :))
    marhaban ya ramadhan . ^^

  6. huaaaa....kangen heath ledger....
    btw... happy fasting :)

  7. I think this information is too simple.

  8. semangat puasa pertama...ayoo katam alqur'an

  9. great share. get enhanced for scholarship...

  10. selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa,apakah ini sejenis review, salam kenal ..

  11. datang berkunjung sob
    seperti baru berkunjung dech disini

    wajah baru platform baru

    salam dari pamekasan madura dan semakin sukses


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